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来源:http://www.jnhsjlm.com 日期:2023-05-27 发布人:
When it comes to factory workshops, many people will say that in summer, the workshop is too hot, even if there is a fan, it will feel very hot. The reason is that the external temperature is too high and there is no equipment to isolate the temperature. However, the comfortable temperature for the human body is usually between 18 and 23 ℃. When people feel hot, they will develop a restless mentality, resulting in a loss of positive attitude towards work and inability to adjust. Today I'll show you a different workshop. Why do you say that? Jinan Rolling Curtain Door Factory analyzes for you:
The first thing that comes to mind when the workshop is hot is definitely the air conditioning. Unlike our home air conditioning, the air conditioning in the workshop is definitely a large refrigeration air conditioning system. With this, the workshop quickly cooled down. But if the inside and outside of the workshop are unobstructed, the air conditioning will quickly run out, and at this point, the rolling shutter door is of great use.
After using the fast rolling shutter door of the rolling shutter door, the entire workshop forms a sealed space, so that the cold air will not escape, and the sealing performance can also be guaranteed.
We have conducted multiple experiments and compared the temperature near the door using a thermometer under the same power of air conditioning in two workshops with and without rolling shutter doors. The temperature of the workshop with rolling shutter doors is the same as that of other indoor temperatures, while the temperature of the workshop without rolling shutter doors is similar to the outdoor temperature, This also proves that our fast rolling shutter doors also have insulation performance.
Moreover, our fast rolling shutter has great advantages in opening and closing speed. The opening and closing speed is up to 2.0 metre per second, and the door can be opened and closed in the blink of an eye without any trace of heat.
After using the fast rolling shutter door, your factory workshop can completely avoid worrying about the troubles caused by high temperatures for employees, and the temperature in the workshop will no longer maintain an upward trend. This way, employees can work better and with more peace of mind, which can also improve work efficiency and bring more economic value to the enterprise. For more related matters, come to our website http://www.jnhsjlm.com consulting service

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