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来源:http://www.jnhsjlm.com 日期:2024-03-06 发布人:


The fast rolling shutter door is driven by a motor to move up and down to open and close the door. The motor is controlled by an independent control system, and the opening height, closing height, and opening and closing speed of the door can be set according to needs. The fast rolling shutter door is also a member of the automation equipment.


Of course, there will inevitably be some malfunctions during long-term use. What to do if there are malfunctions? Don't worry. Today, I will talk to you about how to deal with common cases of door curtains getting stuck and not moving.



There are generally two reasons for this situation. Guests with radar sensing automatic door opening should first check the radar sensor above the door head to see if the radar has detected other objects next to the door, because the radar senses all moving objects, as long as they are dynamic, it can open the door. Similarly, if the sensor detects other objects in the surrounding area during a collision, the door will remain open.


The second step is to check the safety photoelectric devices on both sides of the door pillars, which are about 30 centimeters above the ground. The photoelectric devices are a protective safety device that targets the ground. One side of the pillars is a transmitter, and the other side is a reflector. The emitted infrared light is refracted back through the opposite reflector. If there is no object in the middle that targets the ground, the door can be used normally. However, if there is an object or person blocking the light below the door body, the door curtain will stay above and not come down. It is normal for the photoelectric light to light up green, while a red light indicates a malfunction or obstruction of the opposing light by someone or object, or a collision with the safety photoelectric light, causing the emitted infrared light to not reach the opposite reflector. Secondly, if it hits other objects next to the door, the door will not land.


This article is provided by Jinan Rolling Shutter Door Factory with technical support. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.jnhsjlm.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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